Please read and complete the following form prior to your pet's upcoming surgery. Thank you!
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Pre-surgical blood work and physical examination will enable us to assess and minimize the risks associated with anesthesia for your pet.
Preparation – The skin around the surgical site will be clipped and scrubbed with antiseptic. We follow sterile procedures (surgical prep, surgical packs, and surgical attire).
Monitoring - We further minimize risk by monitoring heart rate and rhythm, respiration rate and quality, oxygenation, and depth of anesthesia during the procedure. We have licensed technicians monitoring.
Pain management - We are proactive with appropriate pre-op, intra-op, and post-op pain management medications.
Fluid therapy: IV Catheter or subcutaneous fluids- To support kidney function and blood pressure during anesthesia, we include fluids administered either through an IV catheter or subcutaneously.
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